Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Results of the 20 lb WRC! Week 1, Day 3 of the KWC!

I set myself an ambitious goal to lose 20 lbs in 7 days so that I wouldn't be able to fuck up. I didn't log my food on two of the days, because I was playing tennis and video games with my cousin and other things, but 4 of the 5 days I did log my food, I did well. I averaged 633.2 calories on those 5 days which is okay. If It weren't for that one day, it would be significantly lower. Oh well. I exercised every day, doing aerobic step-ups, the killer workout challenge, tennis, and walking.

Now for the moment we've all been waiting for(at least I have!) I weighed in today at exactly 267lbs. So I lost 13lbs in 7 days. I know I was aiming for 20, but I'm okay with 13. I'm assuming half of that if not more is water weight, because how can someone lose that much in a week? Either way, I need to lose more,

I have two days before the birthday party, 3 if you count today. Since I may have to eat food, hopefully I can get out of it, but if not, I've decided to fast for 72 hours. So far, I am 19 hours and 40 minutes in(7-13-11, 7:40pm.) That's for refrence for me later.

I've yet to do week 1, day 3 of the Killer Workout Challenge. It consists of 250 jumping jacks, 40 crunches, 40 squats, and 4 push-ups. When I'm done with this entry, I'll do it.

I'm getting anxious for Reno and the day before it. How can I lose weight eating my grandmothers cooking? She'll probably make spaghetti or shredded beef tacos. If she makes spaghetti, I'll skip the rolls and eat tons of whatever vegetable will be there, probably broccoli, with no salt or butter of course! The tacos on the other hand... I might just put a miniscule amount of meat on a miniature tortilla and put loads of lettuce, no cheese. If I have one, I hope they don't get suspicious. I'll tell them I'm losing weight. If my mother asks me, maybe she'll think one is enough? Thinking back to when I was little, I would have 2 tacos. As I got older, I would have 3, then, 4, and then 5! No wonder I got so lardy!

Anyways, I'll weigh myself right before I leave and make it my goal to maintain that weight over vacation. Then I'll lose tons when I get back.

I'm just replying to a comment I got, because I stupidly can't figure out how to leave comments. >.<

The comment was: Felix said...

You really think eating 200 calories in a day is "the healthy way"? And your mom agrees?

        Dear Felix,
                I know it's too few calories, but I am eating healthy as far as food in general goes. My mother believes I am eating more than I am(1200-1500 calories each day.) It's just that dieting regularly never worked for me and the results were to slow, aka, 1 lb in a week is not a good loss for someone of my size. If I'm not losing at least, and I mean at the very LEAST 3 lbs each week, I'm not happy.

So to answer your questions, I don't think 200 calories in a day is "the healthy way" and my mother doesn't know, therefore doesn't agree.


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