Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The 12 Week Challenge Day 2: Success

Today was really easy at school and home, but I am a bit hungry now. However, I refuse to eat after 6 pm, so I'm fine. :)

In other news, I finished my exercise at school, which is awesome. Walking to and from classes and walking 2 miles during physical education really helps to burn the calories fast. Also, we played kick ball, but I'm not counting that, because it seems like it wouldn't burn much. In total I walked 50 minutes, which I know isn't a whole lot, but it's a start. I just wish I had my treadmill already.

I ordered it over a week ago and it still isn't here. :/
Tuesday 2-26-11 Day 2:

Breakfast: 1 Blueberry Bagel w/ 1 Tbsp of Strawberry Cream Cheese and a Grape Propel Zero-300 Calories

Snack: 1 Small Chocolate Milk-100 Calories

Lunch: 1 Apple and 4 Water Crackers-109 Calories

Snack: 2 Pieces of 5 Gum-10 Calories

Dinner: 1 Cup of Cottage Cheese-160 Calories

Exercise: 50 Minutes of Walking-381 Calories

BMR: 2180 Calories

Total: -1882 Calories

School was okay today. I usually dread it with every fibre of my being, but not today, for whatever reason. I was fairly tired, but other than that...

Well, I have some english homework to get to.


Monday, April 25, 2011

The 12 Week Challenge

I can not believe I haven't posted in 8 days. I was at my grandparents for three of those days, but still.

It's impossible to fast or eat like an anorextic at their house, but I still tried my best to eat healthy. I ate fairly well, stayed under 1200 calories a day, but then there was the day I was leaving. We baked sugar cookies, blueberry muffins, and ate them. Okay not all of them. I had 1/2 a sugar cookie and 3 blueberry muffins. O.o

I thought for sure I would have gained weight, but I am now....duh duh duh duhhhh...270 lbs. So I've lost 9 lbs in 10 days. Uhmmm, not too bad.
Even so, I began a 12 week weight loss challenge today. This is what I wrote in my notebook:

I am beginning a 12 week weight loss challenge. I will stick, to this challenge. I will not drink soda on this challenge. I will not eat fast food on this challenge. I will ride my bike 3 times a week on this challenge. I will walk for 30 minutes a day on this challenge. I will stay under 1400 calories a day on this challenge. I will keep my house clean on this challenge. I will save up my money on this challenge. I will not drink alcohol on this challenge. I will do all my homework on this challenge. And I will not swear on this challenge.
I wrote that, because my mother reads my notebook. I plan on staying wayyy under 1400 calories. Here's Day 1's plan:

Monday 4-25-11 Day 1:

Breakfast: 1 Homemade Blueberry Muffin and 1 Tbsp of Light Strawberry Cream Cheese-235 Calories

Snack: Hot Green Tea and 1 Apple-91 Calories

Lunch: 1 4” Veggie Delight on Wheat Bread w/ No Cheese Subway-154 Calories

Snack: 4 Mini Cadbury Eggs-160 Calories

Dinner: Tilapia, Salad, Light Italian Dressing, 1 Baked Potato, and 1 Tbsp of Light Sour Cream-268 Calories

Exercise: 30 Minutes of Bike Riding and 30 Minutes of Walking- -495 Calories

BMR: -2180 Calories

Total: -1767 Calories

I know that's kind of a lot of calories, but my mum watches me now. She's like a hawk. She makes sure I eat and she's wary when I go to the restroom afterwards. As long as I lose 5 lbs a week, I will be happy.

Oh yeah, Monday is now my official weigh in day.

My goal is to be 265lbs one week from now. Any less and I will fast for 24 hours.

Wait that actually seems like a good idea. Stick to this 12 week challenge, plan on losing 5 lbs a week, and then every week I don't lose 5 lbs, fast for 24 hours. Yay, I have a good plan now. If I stick to the scheduled weight loss, then I should be 210 lbs when this challenge is over. That would be cool. Lose 60 pounds in 3 months. I'd still be a pig, but I'd be a smaller pig and I'd be at least a size 14.

Yes a size 14 is huge, but I am a size 18 right now and at 291 lbs, I was a size 20.

School will be out at the end of this challenge; it will be the middle of summer vacation. I'm actually really excited, because I know I can stick to this and I can't wait until the end of this challenge. I can't wait for the end of this week even. I can't wait to be under 200 lbs!

Well, I'm gonna go eat an apple and down a water bottle.

Adios, Sayonara, Ciao, Bye bye. :)


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fast - Day 2: Success

My fast lasted exactly 49 hours and 11 minutes, before I had some tilapia and salad. Not too bad for me ending a fast. My goal is to eat healthy food this week, to burn off 500+ calories every day, and to stay under 1000 calories. I know this isn't really normal for me, but someone commented on me not eating. I don't want anyone to think I'm converting to my old habits. I have to seem normal. Just a normal teenaged girl who want to lose weight in a healthy non-anorexic way. Well, I need to go to sleep, it's midnight.

My Day 2 intake was:
                            2 oz of ice tea : 0 calories
                            Shaved Ice : 0 calories
                            Some of My Suplements : 2 calories
                            4 oz of Grilled Tilapia : 90 calories
                            Salad w/ vinegar : 51 calories

My Day 2 exercise was non-existant. :(

Total calories : 143

Fast - Day 1: Success

Day 1 of my fast was great and I'm thinking being 279 lbs was temporary-not-real weight, because my scale says that I'm 272 lbs this morning. On any of my fasts, the most I lost in one day was 4 lbs, not 7 lbs. Either way though, I'm excited to be close to the 260's again. The only reason being that in the 260's, I'm closer to the 250's and I haven't been there in a long time.

It's been 39 hours and 30 minutes since my fast started and I'm not hungry yet. :0 This is awesome and the fact that I have a cold keeps my family from thinking I'm deliberately not eating. At the very least, I will fast for 48 hours, but I really want to keep going. I feel amazing when I'm fasting.

My Day 1 intake was:
                            33.8 oz of Water : 0 calories
                            2 Slimquick Packets : 0 calories
                            1.5 Propel Zero's : 0 calories
                            My Suplements : 32 calories

My Day 1 exercise was:
                            50 crunches : -10 calories
                            20 minutes of walking : -103 calories
                            5 minutes of yoga (Don't ask) : -26 calories

Total calories : -107!!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Once Again, the Plan is Changing

I don't know why I keep changing my plan, but I am, so whatever. The old plan was to eat under 1200 calories every day this week, but I realized that eating normally was too difficult and made me feel like a complete failure.

Did you know I was 279 pounds a little over an hour ago? Just kill me now. How is that even possible. How can someone gain 6+ pounds in 4 days of normal eating? I ate under 1200 calories and exercised!

I don't ever want to be 280 pounds again, so that is why the plan is changing. I began a fast at 7:00 pm and I am 1 hour and 50 minutes in. I really hope this fast lasts for at LEAST the weekend. The only plus I get for eating normally for 4 days, is that my metabolism is most likely back to normal.
Well, anyways, remember how I said I play World of Warcraft? It turns out it's a plus for weight loss. It distracts me from eating. :D I sorta freaked out when I accidently fed my character though. I feel stupid, it's not like she'll get fat.



Monday, April 11, 2011

Ana Boot camp is no more...For now...

Today was one of the worst days of my life. The 4 hours of star testing was grueling. Plus, I forgot to have breakfast. You try doing 4 hours of difficult testing without having food for 32ish hours. It was horrible. I've decided to put off on doing the ABC, at least for a little while.

Because I know I'm most likely going to eat semi normally (Under 1200 calories) for a week, I've been thinking about fasting afterwards. I'm not sure how long it would last, but I would aim for at least a week. Being the pig I am, in 1 week of fasting, I could lose 7-18 pounds. That would be great, because I'm anxious to be under 260. So it's settled, eat semi normally this week and then fast for 1-4 weeks.

I have more star testing tomorrow and its , so I'm gonna go catch some Z's.


Please God, don't let me have a gain tomorrow. Please, please, please!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 8 - 400 calories (NOT REALLY)

So here's the deal, Star Testing begins tomorrow and I need to eat on those days. If I don't, than my brain will be too sleepy, hehehe. What I did was switch the fasting day (Day : 10) with today (Day : 8), so that I can eat breakfast on all of the testing days.

I fasted successfully today and cleaned my room, but other than that, I didn't really do much. I played World of Warcraft (Yes I am that much of a geek) for maybe 40 minutes and I made my mom breakfast. I made her a cheese and onion omelet. I know what your thinking, "Isn't making food when you’re fasting just asking for disaster?" Well it's not. I really enjoy cooking and am going to start doing it more often.

        1 Grape Propel Zero : 0 calories
        1 Glass of Shaved Ice : 0 calories
        My Supplements : 11 calories ( I didn't take them all.) :(
        35 minutes of cleaning my room : -178 calories
Total calories : -167!

"An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person."


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 7 - 300 calories

Today was okay. I saw Insidious with my friend and my cousin. We went to Subway and my friend asked why I got such a tiny sandwich. Inside I was LMAO, because that sandwich was huge!!!! I was thinking, "Why the hell did you get such a big sandwich?" She got a 6" BLT and it looked good, but also really big. After Subway, we went to Starbucks and she got a Frappacino. I almost orgasmed okay not really, but I remember when I would get one of those each day. No wonder I got so big. She somehow convinced me to buy a cake pop that I thought was around 100 calories. Just to be safe, I only ate like 0.7 of it. It was more than 100 calories. Geez, I'm never getting one of those again. I just got water at the theatre and my friend got a small pop corn and sour patch kids. Fatty! She's thinner than me. I'm the fucking fatty. :'(

I bought a shaved ice machine today. Best thing ever! I can have snow cones without the flavoring. Orange flavoring came with it though. 150 calories per serving! I'm going to fast from now () until I feel like stopping. I'm going for at least 20 hours though. Hmm… so that I stick to the ABC, I'm going to have some flavoring. Yes I know, BAD! Tomorrow is a 400 calorie day though and I want to stick to this as close as possible. So I will have 2 servings of the Orange stuff. I can have tons of shaved ice though and it counts as water! xD AWESOME!!!!! now getting 8 glasses of water per day will be easy. You know what I recently found out though? You are supposed to have 1 oz of water per pound you weigh every day! That would be like 34 glasses per day. I guess I need to buy more ice. Well anyways, I should really go study. I have Star Testing starting Monday. Ugh.

        Sugar Free Green Tea (cold) : 2 calories
        Starbucks Tiramisu Cake Pop (0.7 of it) : 119 calories
        Subway 4" Veggie Delight w/ No Cheese on Wheat Bread  : 147 calories
        All of my Supplements/Diet Pills : 32 calories
        Shaved Ice : 0 calories

        20 minutes of walking : -103 calories
        30 minutes of difficult cycling : -339 calories

Total calories : -142 calories!!! xD

"Only I can let myself fail"


Friday, April 8, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 6 - 200 calories

I'm too exhausted to type today, sorry.

        Propel Zero : 0 calories
        Sugar Free Red Bull : 10 calories
        Subway 4" Veggie Delight w/ No Cheese on Wheat Bread  : 164 calories
        49 minutes of slow walking : -208 calories
        7 minutes of fast walking : -73 calories

Total calories : -92 calories! :)

"Eat to live, don't live to eat."


Official Weigh in 1

Well it's Saturday, my official weigh in day. Today will be day 6 of the ABC diet, so it's been 5 days since I've written my weight in this blog. I woke up at this morning, used the restroom, and checked my weight. I always check my weight in my bra and panties (Sorry if that's too much info.) I had been 280 pound and am excited to say that I am now 270 pounds! Yay, 10 pounds in 5 days! This is great, considering I was shooting for 5 pounds in 5 days. I am still a fat cow, but now maybe I'm not quite as fat… maybe? Well, I guess I'm going to go take two more pictures of me, as I did before, and then we will see. I see no difference. :(


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 5 - 100 calories

Today was a good day. I was successful in my diet and exercise, having a deficit calorie day! :D I'm kind of hungry now, but if I end up having something, it will be water, or grape propel zero. I don't want to have anymore calories today. I just returned home from Wal-Mart and I bought some pills; Green Tea Fat Burner, Fish Oil, Hair Skin and Nails, and Green Tea Extract. I've used both of the green tea pills before and they work beautifully. I usually take 2-3 of each per day. Now I'm going to be taking 14 pills a day. Geez. That's a lot. Whatever it takes to lose weight though. The only problem is that, unless I eat with them, I usually get nauseous. I don't always puke, but I feel really sick. I don't even care anymore. There is a problem. Tomorrow is a 200 calorie day, but my grandparents are coming to town. They're taking my cousin and me out to lunch. O.o I doubt I can find something for that little. I will get something healthy though and maybe have half of it? Hmm... How about this. I burn off double everything I consume while on this diet (Except for on weekends) and if I eat calories I'm not supposed to (such as food with my grandparents I burn off double whatever it is. For example. Tomorrow's a 200 calorie day. I eat 450 calories and burn off 1200 calories. That's a lot, but I can do it. I will do this hardcore bitches! ^.^

        8.4 oz Sugar Free Red Bull : 10 calories
        1 Grape Propel Zero : 0 calories
        3 Pieces of 5 Gum : 15 calories
        2 Bottles of Water : 0 calories
        1 Children's vitamin : 5 calories

        3 minutes of running : -72 calories
        20 minutes of slow walking : -104 calories
        15 minutes of fast walking : -156 calories

Total calories : - 302!!!

I want to be thinner tomorrow than what I was today.

“I don't care if it hurts I want to have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul.”


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 4 - 400 calories

Isn't she cute? Hehe. Here's how it went today. I had only liquid until after school, when my cousin and my mother decided they wanted In-N-Out Burger. They drove there (I was with them) and my mother got a cheese burger w/ fries and a medium coke and my cousin got a double cheeseburger w/ fries and an ice tea. They were looking at me weird, so I ordered a cheeseburger w/no onions, a fry, and an ice tea. I didn't eat the fries; I fed them to the birdies at the park. :) The burger on the other hand, I ate the tomato, lettuce, ketchup, and bread. I gave the cheesy burger to our puppy dog. I wish I hadn't eaten that bread, but there's only so much I can get away with.

        1/3 Strawberry Banana Smoothie : 61 calories
        1/2 Grape Propel Zero : 0 calories
        In-N-Out burger (no onions, no cheese, and no meat) : 288 calories
        Ice Tea (no sugar) : 0 calories

        40 minutes of walking : -208 calories
Total calories : 141

I hope I do better tomorrow.

“I wanna be size 0!”


Ana Boot Camp: Day 3 - 300 calories

Today was okay-ish. I fit in the calories, but I dunno, I just feel weird. :/ I hate myself for having that 1/2 Mac Wrap. Mc Donald’s signifies weakness. My weight has been going down each day though and as long as it goes down some tomorrow, I'll be somewhat happy. Hmm, not that this is related to the ABC or anything, but I got 100 % on a really difficult geography test. :) Whenever I'm dieting/losing weight regularly, I always do better in school and feel better about myself.

        1/3 Iced Latte (Starbucks) : 26 calories
        1/2 Mac Wrap (Mc Donald’s) : 165 calories
        Apple : 60 calories

        10 minutes of walking : -52 calories
Total calories : 199

Oh yeah, sorry about posting the posts a day late each time, I pretty much crash when I get home from school. :P

Remember, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 2 - 500 calories (or less)

Today was actually really hard. It was my mother's birthday. We all went out to eat and there was cake and stuff. I ordered something I knew I didn't like though (Pork chop) and put horse radish on it. I hate horse radish. So I just didn't eat. I instead downed about 6 glasses of water.

        1/2 Cup of Fat Free Milk : 43 calories
        1/2 Plain Bagel  : 130 calories
        1/2 Cup of Wheaties Cereal : 67 calories
        1 Cup of Kellog's Smore's Cereal : 120 calories

        10 minutes of walking : -52 calories
Total calories : 308

I'm keeping track of my weight daily, but I'm not going to post it on here until Saturday. That's going to be my official "weigh-in" day.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 1 - 500 calories (or less)

I can't wait to be that thin and to be able to wear clothes like that! Anyways, today was really easy. I slept through breakfast, so that made it even easier. I pretty much skipped lunch, because my mom's dinners are usually fattening and bad. The good thing is, she didn't cook today! That means I skipped breakfast, lunch, and I was able to choose to eat what ever I please!!!!

        1/2 Cup of Sugar Free Fruit Cocktail : 50 calories
        1 Cup Black Coffee w/ 1 Cream : 6 calories
        1 Tuna Sandwich (1 pickle, 2 pieces of multi-grain bread, no crust, 2 tbsp light mayonnaise 1/2 can of tuna) : 346 calories

        50 minutes of walking : -259 calories
        5 minutes of mowing the lawn : -57 calories
Total calories : 86

I went to the mall with my aunt and cousin today as well. I got my hair washed, thinned out, and straightened. I think it looks okay, but I wish it were longer. My cousin got his hair trimmed, dyed black, and straightened. It looks incredible, lucky bastard. My aunt and cousin both got hot dogs while we were there, and I got nothing. :D I had a cup of black coffee and that's it. I hope I am as successful tomorrow as I was today.

Day 1 is complete, 49 days to go. If I can finish all fifty days on this diet, I will have regained control.

Think thin, stay strong.


Ana Boot Camp: Day 0


Basically I'm fat. I was diagnosed as anorexic years ago, only to be forced into recovery. I was told and made to push back the little voice in my head telling me I'm fat and to not eat. The problem is that I kept pushing it back and kept eating and eating and not exercising and not exercising some more. I'm now Obese, the one thing I told myself I'd never become. I was morbidly obese 1 month ago, but began doing something about it. I was 291 pounds! If I were ever 300 pounds, I would kill myself. I'm now 280 pounds, which is still a lot. I only lost 11 pounds in 1 month. :( That is why I'm beginning Ana Boot Camp/ABC tomorrow. I remember losing 26 pounds on it when I was anorexic, landing me in hospital, but since I'm a fat cow, I'm sure I won't be in hospital this time and I will most likely lose more than that. I can do this, I need to do this. I can't be fat anymore. I want to be Ana again. I wish to be Ana again! I will be Ana again! My goal is to lose 40 pounds by the end of the ABC. Then I would be where I was 6 months ago at 240 pounds. Can't wait for tomorrow. These are pics of me I took a few minutes ago. Gross I know.