Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 7/7 of the 20 lb WRC! Week 1, Day 2 of the Killer Workout Challenge!

Today was the last day of the 20 lb Weight Reversal Challenge and I sadly don't feel that I've lost 20lbs this week. I guess I'll see tomorrow morning, err this morning, later... It's 1:30am and I haven't slept yet, so I'll weigh in whenever the heck I wake up!
I averaged 564 calories each day this week which is good. It would have been a million times lower, but I stayed at my cousin's house for 4 days. He has an amazing metabolism and eats out maybe twice a day and although I got out of eating with him in those 4 days, on the last day at his house, I couldn't get out of going to Baskin Robbins. I figured what I got would be 700-800 calories and that since I had only had a glass of pulp free orange juice that day, it wouldn't be the end of the world. It wasn't 700-800 calories...It was double at 1,430 fucking calories! Suffice to say, it was the end of the world and I am just starting to get over it. A word to the wise, NEVER under any circumstances get Baskin Robbins!
My friend on Facebook, Edsurreal came up with a 4 week workout plan and I am naming it: The Killer Workout Challenge. I did the first day, which consisted of 333 jumping jacks, 60 crunches, 60 squats, and 6 push ups. Let me tell you it was hell. Day 2 is 300 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 50 squats, and 5 push ups, a little easier than day 1, but still difficult. It's the jumping jacks, doing 100 jumping jacks without stopping is hard enough, but doing 300 is another story. I know how hard it is, so I've already completed the squats and push ups for day 2. I'll do the crunches when I wake up and the jumping jacks half an hour after I take my diet pills(they have caffeine.)
I have a birthday party to attend on the 16th and am starting to freak. What if they force feed me cake or something? Well, I could bend the truth a little and say I'm trying to eat more healthily. That's what I'll do. But, I'm going to my grandparents's house on the 17th and am leaving to Reno on the 18th as well and I don't know what I'm going to do. The good thing is there's an exercise room and the pool at the Nugget is amazing, it has a waterfall, is huge, is heated, and there's a jucuzzi(spell?) which means I can burn loads of calories by swimming and utilizing equipment I don't have at home. The bad news is, there will be a lot of temptation there and I can't bring my own vegetables and things. I may bring an apple or two though and try to stick with black coffee from Starbucks. I think that I'll have to eat out at least once there, because we have to do everything as a family blah blah blah and my mother may inform them I'm dieting again and to watch me.
Pretty girls are made of coffee, smokes, and cold diet cokes.


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