Friday, March 9, 2012

Making a Comeback.

It's been more than 6 months since I've posted to this blog and it feels like even longer than that. Things are different now. I'm doing online school(It's a LOT harder than it sounds!!), I'm in the process of getting my driver's permit and work permit, and then a job. I feel old... And I'm too lazy.

I reread my whole blog and was shocked at how immature I sounded and at spelling errors, etc. I couldn't believe that I thought burning 80 calories on the treadmill was a lot.

Well here's my back story from the past 7-9 months.

I got beat up at school and somehow convinced my mother to let me do school online. I love it. I'm glad that I don't have to deal with bullies, my ex boyfriend, and other things. It is a lot harder than my previous school however. I'm taking advanced placement courses. I was originally taking geometry, biology, modern world studies, English 2, online learning, finding your path 2, p e, and reaching your academic potential. I ended up dropping ryap after 1 month(too much work...) I currently have an A in geometry, an A in p e, an A in online learning, and F's in everything else. Progress reports go out on March 20th, so I NEED to pull my grades up. If my mother finds out I'm failing those classes, she'll send me back to the school where my ex boyfriend and the kids that beat me up are. Anyways, moving on. My father moved to Oklahoma and then to Georgia(I'm in California), so he's on the other side of the country. My relationship with him isn't good(he stalks me and loves me a little too much..) So I'm glad he's gone. He's coming back to Cali in a few days, is going to stay at my house for 2 days, and is then going to prison for 30-90 days to pay off his DUI debts. After that he'll go back to Georgia, try to get a licence and then a job. Good riddance. He's never helped my mother financially and is a huge pain in the ass. He's an alcoholic, he has bipolar disorder, and he used to do a lot of drugs. I've never liked him. Once again, moving on. Our landlord is going to be selling our his property in around 6 months, so we have to fins another place to live. We've lived here for 8+ years, so that will be difficult. I haven't had a date at all in the past 7-9 months since I stopped writing this blog. I feel like a fat loser.

Enough back story, lol. -___-'

I'm 285.2 pounds. Yes I haven't really lost/gained weight. I've maintained between 275-290 all of these months. I'm going to lose weight now. I did a 20 Pound Weight Reversal Challenge previously and I think I'm going to do something similar. I'm doing the 15 Pound Weight Reversal Challenge, starting at 12am March 9th(today.) I'll call it 15PWRC for short. :/ If I can be 270 pounds in 1 week, I'll be a happy camper.

Well, I need to finish the laundry, shower, and go to sleep. I have school tomorrow. I'll post soon.

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