Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ana Boot Camp: Day 8 - 400 calories (NOT REALLY)

So here's the deal, Star Testing begins tomorrow and I need to eat on those days. If I don't, than my brain will be too sleepy, hehehe. What I did was switch the fasting day (Day : 10) with today (Day : 8), so that I can eat breakfast on all of the testing days.

I fasted successfully today and cleaned my room, but other than that, I didn't really do much. I played World of Warcraft (Yes I am that much of a geek) for maybe 40 minutes and I made my mom breakfast. I made her a cheese and onion omelet. I know what your thinking, "Isn't making food when you’re fasting just asking for disaster?" Well it's not. I really enjoy cooking and am going to start doing it more often.

        1 Grape Propel Zero : 0 calories
        1 Glass of Shaved Ice : 0 calories
        My Supplements : 11 calories ( I didn't take them all.) :(
        35 minutes of cleaning my room : -178 calories
Total calories : -167!

"An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person."


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